Sarah Shakes (3)Let me start by saying this journey is less about a diet, a quick fix or a way to lose a few extra pounds.

For me this was the beginning of becoming an inspiration. A very brief conversation with a work colleague and I was introduced to the C9 plan and Forever. At first, I thought it was worth giving it a go just to give me the kick start, to stop me having that hot chocolate and muffin in the morning or that chocolate bar at lunch time with my bottle of coke. For me, I was always too busy to make breakfast in the morning so it was easy just to go to work and pick something up, always thinking I will chose the health option and never actually doing it. So I had my consultation with Lindsey and went through the plan and what I wanted to get out of the program. Then I set my day one, knowing this time if I was going to do it, I could not back out as I had Lindsey offering checking in with me every day to see how I was doing. I am not going to lie, the morning of day one I wanted to back out and start again tomorrow, but I had paid this money for the C9 and I was going to give it a go.

I had prepared the day before by getting in fruit and veg in even though I knew this was limited as there was no planned meal on Day 1 just grazing, but at least I was prepared.  This was lesson 1 – Be prepared.  And so I started.  The first taste of Aloe Vera and I promise you, I wanted to return the box, it was hard to take even knowing that it had this unique taste. I spoke to Lindsey and she said put it in the fridge it was better cold and to take it down in one.  Lesson 2 – find the way it suits you best to take the Aloe.

So I completeddid day one, surprised at the lack of hunger I felt but I had a head ache which I felt was strange.  I thought maybe it was the amount of water I had drunk or lack of food, but again I went back to my Lindsey who explained it is due to your body detoxifying, it was okay to take two headache tablets which I did and then slept very well that night.  Better than I had for a while.  Day two completed. Lesson 3 – Keep going. So day two I found easier than day one I found taking the Aloe easier and found that I had time to do my fruit for a snack or my milkshake in the morning. By day 3, I was grateful to increase my calories, although I lost 1.5kg in two days, which was great this is not how the plan works.

 I prepared the day before, my meals, fruit and water and got up on morning 3 and made up my shakes with fruit and my new found LOVE of almond milk.  I made enough up for both my shakes for the day and then when I got home from a long day at work I knew I could make up my healthy dinner. And this continued for the next 5 days until we finally got to day 9.  I found a lot about the C9 was about the choices I made.  On day 5, as often happens I was working late, now normally this would mean a take away, but because I had planned and made extra meals up I knew I could have a healthy meal. Even on day 7, when I really fancied a take away, normal it would have been fast food full of calories.  So now was a choice, break the C9 or make a better choice so I chose to have a takeout but had a take away which was balanced with salad and grilled meat.

Throughout my journey Lindsey, who I would now like say is a good friend of mine, supported me, always there to answer questions and to offer tips and ideas to me. This helpped me to do the 9 days and then put a plan in place for the after the 9 days.  As I said I learnt a lot and I learnt most of all Lesson 4 – I did have time.  I had time to make breakfast and time to make lunch and I had time to make that healthy meal instead of choosing fast food. And so I continued. I carried on with the elements of the program, shakes, supplements and the Aloe gel and over the next 12 weeks whilst eating good foods, I lost 15kg.  Just doing the same thing, making the right choices and making the time to do the right thing. The more weight I lost, the more people noticed and the more people asked me how I did it and that’s how I become an inspiration and became a Forever Representative myself. I now help other people who want to make changes to their eating habits and it all begins with the C9 Challenge.

Sarah – UAE, Dubai

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