
 I decided to do the 9 day cleanse back in December because as I get older I’m more aware of the rubbish I put in my body and needed a kickstart. My main goal was to feel less bloated and healthier!

During the first few days, I struggled at first with the small meals as I worked long days, I am on the go and stood up most of the day. Lindsey had checked in on me and I said I felt like I needed more throughout the day. I spoke to Lindsey and together we decided to split the 600 calorie evening meal into two meals rather than just one at night.

 I felt much better and found it much easier to follow the program. I enjoyed eating cleaner and healthier too, I loved the variety of free foods, I didn’t have a favorite but I found the list really good as these curbed any cravings I had.

 I also found recipes from Joe Wicks helped me as well as all the recipe ideas Lindsey shared with me. There are many people I think could benefit from this cleanse as it shows how easy it can be to eat cleaner. I would definitely do the cleanse again and look forward to working with Linz again.

Nicola, Oxford

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