All about ending the year off with a bang and ushering in 2019 ready to take on the world. As the year draws to a close, we are all making plans for holidays and family gatherings, but a lot of us are also planning how we will usher the new year in with new business plans, new ideas for growing our business and taking things to the next level. The VA world is one that is ever changing, and it is important to stay ahead of the pack if you are to be successful. It is important to have a game plan in place and to stick with it as you go.

A good way to ensure that things will go just right and just the way you are planning is to look at things from a different perspective. Even better – the perspective of another seasoned VA who perhaps has some new things to share with you and ultimately shed some light on those areas you may be struggling with. Enter the ‘Bespoke Virtual Assistant Coaching Program’, a 1:1 coaching for Virtual Assistants, based on your individual requirements and current VA Journey. In the coaching sessions you will work with Lindsey to drill down to find out what you need and look at areas of training to support you moving forward. Investing in you is the best investment you can make – so just do it!

The training program commences on 18 November 2018 and spaces are limited so it is best you get your tickets as soon as possible. You can book your tickets via this link

If you ever wondered when the right time would be to learn something new and to take that leap of faith for your business, this is that time. We look forward to working with you and making your best even better!