Lindsey-0256Today is……National Make Your Dreams Come True Day.

I have just planned our next trip back to the UK !! April for 2-3 weeks, if I want to make it longer I can do. Someone asked me last week what is it you will be doing in your new business, what exactly is your job? The easiest way to describe this is I am a personal assistant to business owners, I take all the tasks on that they don’t want to do or like doing which allows them to focus on their bigger goals and things that light them up. So effectively I look after people online, it’s all virtual – hence The Virtual Assistant.

As long as I have my laptop & wifi I can work from the UK or Dubai. I can support my clients no matter where I am in the world, which for me is a dream come true in itself. Moving to Dubai a few years ago was the most exciting and scary thing I have ever done, last year I missed home so much. At times I wanted to go back home, but since hiring my business coach’s in September and putting the ideas of a new venture onto paper it has felt so right, step by step week by week. I have had to make some tough decisions and let go of things in my life that did not add value anymore. For almost 3 years I have been saying my goal is to live between the UK and Dubai, and finally, that time is now.
I feel so excited what is to come this year, I will be raising the bar yet again! If there is one thing I have learned in the last few years its Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. So my advice is to get a piece of paper, brainstorm your dreams and get to work on one that’s important to you. If you want any help with this to drop me a message and I would be happy to share some of my tips with you. Happy Saturday <3