1169895_1171939642818401_883283807_nSo what are you a morning person or a night owl? let’s face it we are either one or the other!  For me I am certainly a night owl my brain seems to fire up at the exact moment my head hits the pillow. I am on a mission to become a better morning person, but this is not going to happen overnight!  No pun intended. Last year was recommended  a book called Miracle morning written by Hal Elrod, I picked up some fab tips which I implemented but overtime they have slipped, let’s face it life gets busy and I drink far too much Prosecco! Brain cells frazzle! Determined to create some new habits and become that ball of energy at 6.30am I have picked the book back up again. I forgot how awesome it was, so here are a few of my favorite tips for a better start for your day.

1. Reduce decisions- This is so simple the less you have to think about when you get out of bed the better. So having everything ready to go is key! Outfit of the day ready and by this ironed, no point in fighting with the ironing board at 8am! Gym kit packed, lunch ready to go, diary and laptop ready.

2. Be organized  – This goes hand in hand with reducing decisions first thing. I have found that having everything ready and good to go and planning my week in advance makes me feel happier. Who I am seeing, where I am going, what I am doing.

3. Know your day – The good saying springs to mind ‘Rule the day before the day rules you’ have a plan and celebrate your achievements along the way.

4. Exercise –  I love gym classes especially Les Mills body pump, but some days the class times will not fit to my agenda. So the cross trainer is becoming my best friend, a reliable friend at 7am OUCH!!! , 30 minutes to wake me up. This morning was hard!!! But I committed, so I did it!

5. Vitamin Boost – I will admit I am not a breakfast fan but it is such an important meal of the day so I try. I start my day with an Aloe Vera vitamin shot and bee pollen energy tablets. Followed by a small smoothie or shake and a coffee.

In summary it is about creating some new habits and I am over a week into my new routine, it takes 30 days to break old habit’s so 23 more days to go. Stay tuned……

